On our way to becoming a more Environmentally Friendly School
There is a lot to be concerned about climate change. Here at our school, we care for our environment because, after all, our planet is our home, and it is our job to care for it. CSA values go hand in hand with environmental stewardship. We wanted to know about the school’s mission and future plans to have a more environmentally friendly school. In order to do so, we interviewed Mrs. Maria Isabel Rivas, the Finance Director at our school. She has worked at the school since the first day it opened and has seen its evolution.
One of the values we uphold in this school is to care for the environment. Mrs. Rivas started by saying that “After Pope Benedict talked about the importance of the environment, we included in the beliefs that we are stewards of the planet and that we have a role to play and a level of responsibility to take care of our environment.” By prioritizing the care of the environment they started not only implementing the concept but also taking action, teaching young minds about our planet and how to take care of it. For a long time, the school worked with the “Kimberly Clark Corporation” where they would recycle paper and then donate the money to “Los Pipitos.” Unfortunately, the program no longer exists and the school decided to work with a private company called “Recicla,” they are in charge of picking up the garbage at CSA. This company assures responsible care of garbage and materials.
When it comes to recycling, one issue that the school has is that students do not place their trash in the appropriate bins. Mrs. Rivas explained that the attempt to recycle the school's garbage is hampered by this. She added that the school has placed containers throughout the campus for different kinds of garbage, but students have not utilized them in the correct way. Why aren't we using this properly?
As a result, the maintenance staff and corporate members have to sort the garbage themselves into aluminum, paper, and plastic. The ideal scenario would be for students to cooperate and dispose of their garbage in the appropriate bin. Clubs or campaigns might be a solution to this problem, making kids more conscious of their garbage at school. By promoting the action of recycling, maybe students will start giving the indicated bins a purpose. After all, it is also the student's responsibility to take care of the environment on and out of campus. Hopefully, we will all cooperate and together promote the concept of a more environmentally friendly school and the planet. In addition, the school is planning on putting in solar panels to decrease the use of electricity as well as to leave much less of a carbon footprint
We also discussed the school's structure, noting that our campus is surrounded by nature. We asked her why and if there is a reason for this particular place to build the school because not many schools have this sort of atmosphere. She stated that when they were looking for a location to build the school, they made sure it was away from the rush and bustle of the streets, wanting to create a more serene environment because noise pollution is a major issue in city centers. They sought not just a more serene location, but also one that was pleasant. The area in which the school is located offers several advantages. Students can be in a peaceful environment, breathing fresh air surrounded by green!
The school has repeatedly shown interest in taking care of the environment, but it is not only the school’s job to bring awareness to the environment. As students, we need to have a responsibility for our environment, after all, we are the future of this planet. Clubs have always made their part in taking care of our environment, outside the school, but there is no internal student organization to take care of our school. We have to start taking greater measures in and outside the school, for our and future generations. So we want to ask you this; what will you do for your planet?
