St. Augustine Preparatory School Newspaper
Meet The Team

Editor in Chief
Elena Caldera
Elena Caldera is a Freshman at St. Augustine. She is a Chief editor and writer of the CSA Times. What she's looking forward the most as a writer is sharing her opinions and informing our community. Besides from creative writing, Elena has passion for volleyball, science and music.

Managing and Entertainment Editor
Paulina Horvilleur
Paulina Horvilleur is a freshman at St. Augustine Preparatory School. She has always had an interest in writing, and joining the journalism class has offered her the opportunity to voice her thoughts and has given her the freedom to write about many topics she finds interesting. In her free time, she enjoys taking long naps, baking fun sweets, listening to music, and watching dramatic reality shows. Paulina also likes going to the beach and spending time with her loved ones. hopes everyone has fun reading her intriguing and fun articles!

Staff Writer
Bianca Mansell
Bianca Mansell is a Freshman at St. Augustine Preparatory School. She has taken the position of Staff Writer in the school newspaper this year. Bianca is very passionate about writing and journaling, she is keen on telling stories for the rest of the world to know about. Moreover, she is highly fond of creative writing, and short narratives. In her free time she likes to hangout and have fun with her friends. This came as a great opportunity for her to improve her writing skills, especially being very thrilled for what this year in the newspaper has to offer.

Staff Writer
Sofía Klappenbach
Sofia is a new girl in the school. She is from Argentina and has lived in many different countries and has been living in Nicaragua for three months. She likes to surf and she is getting to know the incredible surfing beaches that this country has. She seeks to give her opinion on some issues and also learn a little more about how the school works and meet new people. She loves forming new relationships and being able to get to know new cultures.

Isabella Medrano
Isabella Medrano is a freshman at St. Augustine Preparatory School. Isabella loves writing and finds comfort in reading. She likes to investigate and find “reason” behind the things that happen around her. She also likes to talk to people and interact with them. She has been playing volleyball since she was eight years old. She knows she will enjoy writing for the newspaper of St. Augustine School.

Staff Writer
Miguel Chamorro
Miguel is a freshman at CSA, he is a staff writer in the CSA times newspaper. He decided to join the newspaper because he said he is willing to share his opinions to those willing to listen. He prefers to write topics concerning student life and sports. He spends most of his time watching and playing soccer, reading books, playing video games, and hanging out with his friends, he also enjoys spending time with his family and going to the beach. Once he graduates from high school he hopes to study something that has to do with medicine or biotechnology.

Staff Writer
María Alejandra Escorcia
Alejandra Escorcia is a sophomore at St. Augustine Preparatory School. She is happy to be part of The CSA Times newspaper and to have a space to share her ideas and opinions in a creative, interesting and informative way for people to become interested in that. While she is not at school, she is doing homework and sleeping most of the time.
This year’s journalism class has taken over the writing portion of this project. This collaboration provides you with an amazing student-designed website and student-produced, original, quality writing. It is a platform for information and entertainment.
The CSA Times functions as a news website centered around our school community. Our mission is to maintain our student body up to date on current events and keep our community active, as well as connected. Being part of a Catholic school we aim to transmit our values through our writing and vow to prioritize our community. Through this, we hope to encourage others to share their ideas and opinions as well.